Single-word outline designed for rapid revision, structured to cover problem-solving approaches, algorithms, and memory management comprehensively
1. Problem-Solving Approaches
This section focuses on strategies/methods to design solutions, not specific algorithms.
- Algorithms (as a concept)
- Design (how to structure solutions)
- Strategies
- Divide-and-Conquer
- Greedy
- Backtracking
- Dynamic-Programming
- Brute-Force
- Analysis (e.g., complexity, tradeoffs)
Problem-Solving Strategies
- Abstraction
- Decomposition
- Pattern-Recognition
- Debugging
- Iteration
- Recursion
- Simulation
Fundamental Algorithms
- Sorting
- Bubble
- Selection
- Insertion
- Merge
- Quick
- Heap
- Searching
- Linear
- Binary
- Hashing
- Graph
2. Algorithms (Fundamental)
This section lists specific, classic algorithms grouped by purpose.
- Sorting
- Bubble, Selection, Insertion
- Merge, Quick, Heap
- Searching
- Linear, Binary
- Hashing
- Graph Algorithms
- BFS (Breadth-First Search)
- DFS (Depth-First Search)
- Dijkstra (Shortest Path)
- A* (Pathfinding)
- String Algorithms
- Substring Search (e.g., KMP, Boyer-Moore)
- Pattern Matching
Algorithm Analysis
- Complexity
- Time
- Space
- Big-O
- Omega
- Theta
- Optimization
- Tradeoffs
- Scalability
Graph Algorithms
- Kruskal’s / Prim’s (Minimum Spanning Trees)
- Bellman-Ford (Negative-weight shortest paths)
- Topological Sorting
String Algorithms:
- Rabin-Karp (Hashing for substring search)
Memory Management
Dynamic Memory
- Allocation
- Malloc
- Calloc
- Realloc
- Deallocation
- Free
- Fragmentation
- Internal
- External
- Declaration
- Dereferencing
- Arithmetic
- Null
- Dangling
- Wild
Data Manipulation
- Arrays
- Linked-Lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Trees
- Graphs
Memory Errors
- Leaks
- Overflow
- Corruption
- Dangling-Pointers
Best Practices
- Allocation-Strategies
- Garbage-Collection
- Smart-Pointers
Key Concepts
Data Structures
- Static
- Dynamic
- Linear
- Non-Linear
Efficiency Metrics
- Time-Complexity
- Space-Complexity
- Cache-Locality
- Debuggers
- Profilers
- Memory-Analyzers
Key Distinctions
Problem-Solving "Algorithms" | Fundamental "Algorithms" |
Focus: How to approach problem-solving (methods/strategies). | Focus: What specific algorithms exist (e.g., Merge Sort). |
Example: "Use a greedy strategy to solve this optimization problem." | Example: "Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path." |
Algorithms → Sorting → Merge or *Memory → Pointers → Dangling
Not useful for exam
Related topics/chapters/subjects name
Programming Fundamentals
Data Structures & Algorithms
Problem-Solving Approaches
- Algorithms (design, strategies like divide-and-conquer, greedy, etc.)
- Problem-solving techniques (abstraction, decomposition, debugging).
- Fundamental algorithms (sorting, searching).
- Algorithm analysis (time/space complexity, Big-O).
Memory Management
- Dynamic allocation (malloc, pointers).
- Data manipulation (arrays, linked lists).
Programming Concepts
Programming & System Fundamentals
- Problem-Solving & Algorithms
- Strategies (greedy, dynamic programming).
- Sorting (merge, quick) and searching (binary, hashing).
- Algorithm Analysis
- Complexity (Big-O, scalability).
- Memory Management
- Dynamic allocation (malloc/free).
- Pointers and data structures (arrays, linked lists).
- Memory errors (leaks, dangling pointers).
Graph Algorithms
- Shortest Path Algorithms
- Floyd-Warshall: All-pairs shortest paths (dynamic programming).
- Bellman-Ford: Handles negative-weight edges.
- A*: Heuristic-based pathfinding (AI/games).
- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
- Kruskal’s Algorithm: Uses disjoint-set (Union-Find).
- Prim’s Algorithm: Priority queue-based.
- Network Flow
- Ford-Fulkerson: Max flow in networks.
- Edmonds-Karp: BFS-based implementation of Ford-Fulkerson.
- Advanced Graph Concepts
- Topological Sorting: For Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) (e.g., task scheduling).
- Tarjan’s Algorithm: Strongly Connected Components (SCCs).
- Bipartite Matching: Hopcroft-Karp algorithm.
String Algorithms
- Substring Search
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP): Efficient pattern matching with prefix tables.
- Boyer-Moore: Skips characters using heuristic rules.
- Rabin-Karp: Hashing-based substring search.
- Advanced String Processing
- Suffix Trees/Arrays: Used in genomics (DNA sequence alignment).
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS): Dynamic programming.
- Edit Distance (Levenshtein Distance): For spell-checking/NLP.
Dynamic Programming (DP)
- Classic Problems
- 0/1 Knapsack: Resource allocation optimization.
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS).
- Matrix Chain Multiplication: Optimal parenthesization.
- Coin Change: Combinatorial optimization.
- Advanced DP
- Floyd-Warshall (revisited as DP).
- Bitmask DP: For subset problems (e.g., Traveling Salesman).
Number Theory & Cryptography
- Essential Algorithms
- Euclidean Algorithm: GCD/LCM calculations.
- Sieve of Eratosthenes: Prime number generation.
- Modular Exponentiation: Fast power calculation (used in RSA).
- Miller-Rabin Primality Test: Probabilistic prime checking.
- Cryptography Basics
- RSA Algorithm: Public-key encryption.
- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Secure key sharing.
Computational Geometry
- Basics
- Convex Hull: Graham’s Scan, Jarvis’s March.
- Line Intersection: Using parametric equations.
- Closest Pair of Points: Divide-and-conquer.
- Applications
- Voronoi Diagrams/Delaunay Triangulation: Used in GIS, graphics.
- Sweep Line Algorithm: For interval overlaps (e.g., calendar scheduling).
Machine Learning & Optimization
- Foundational Algorithms
- k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN): Classification/regression.
- Linear Regression: Gradient descent optimization.
- k-Means Clustering: Unsupervised learning.
- Optimization
- Gradient Descent: Core of neural network training.
- Simulated Annealing: For combinatorial optimization.
Advanced Data Structures
- Efficient Querying
- Trie: Prefix-based string storage (autocomplete).
- Segment Tree: Range queries/updates.
- Fenwick Tree (BIT): Prefix sums/updates.
- Probabilistic Structures
- Bloom Filter: Space-efficient membership testing.
- Skip List: Probabilistic balanced search.
Memory & System Concepts
- Memory Management
- Garbage Collection: Mark-and-Sweep, Reference Counting.
- Smart Pointers (C++):
- Low-Level Manipulation
- Memory Alignment: For performance optimization.
- Cache-Aware Algorithms: B-trees, blocking for matrix multiplication.
Interdisciplinary Connections
- Bioinformatics: Suffix arrays for genome sequencing.
- Cryptography: Number theory for encryption.
- AI/ML: Graph algorithms for neural networks (e.g., backpropagation).
- Robotics: A* for path planning.
- Finance: Dynamic programming for portfolio optimization.
Why These Matter
- Interviews: Frequently tested in FAANG-style technical rounds.
- Research: Basis for advanced topics (e.g., quantum algorithms).
- Real-World Systems: Used in databases, compilers, OS kernels, and more.
These are foundational for coding interviews, advanced study, and real-world applications.
1. Graph Algorithms
Shortest Path
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- What: Finds shortest path in weighted graphs (non-negative edges).
- Importance: GPS navigation, network routing.
- Connections: AI (pathfinding), logistics.
- Bellman-Ford
- What: Handles negative-weight edges.
- Importance: Financial arbitrage, fault-tolerant systems.
- Floyd-Warshall
- What: All-pairs shortest paths.
- Importance: Social network analysis, traffic flow.
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
- Kruskal’s Algorithm
- What: Uses Union-Find (greedy approach).
- Importance: Network design (e.g., power grids).
- Prim’s Algorithm
- What: Priority queue-based (greedy).
- Importance: Cluster analysis, approximation algorithms.
Network Flow
- Ford-Fulkerson
- What: Max flow in networks.
- Importance: Supply chain optimization, bipartite matching.
- Edmonds-Karp
- What: BFS-based implementation of Ford-Fulkerson.
- Importance: Efficient flow computation.
- Topological Sorting
- What: Orders nodes in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
- Importance: Task scheduling (e.g., build systems).
- Tarjan’s Algorithm
- What: Finds Strongly Connected Components (SCCs).
- Importance: Compiler optimizations, circuit design.
2. String Algorithms
Pattern Matching
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP)
- What: Efficient substring search using prefix tables.
- Importance: Text editors (search/replace), DNA sequencing.
- Boyer-Moore
- What: Skips characters using heuristics.
- Importance: High-performance text search (e.g., grep).
- Rabin-Karp
- What: Hashing-based substring search.
- Importance: Plagiarism detection.
Advanced String Processing
- Suffix Trees/Arrays
- What: Compact representations for substring queries.
- Importance: Genomics (e.g., BLAST algorithm).
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
- What: Dynamic programming solution.
- Importance: Version control (diff tools), bioinformatics.
3. Dynamic Programming (DP)
Classic Problems
- 0/1 Knapsack
- What: Maximize value without exceeding weight.
- Importance: Resource allocation, finance.
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
- What: Finds the longest subsequence in order.
- Importance: Bioinformatics (protein folding).
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- What: Optimal parenthesization for minimal operations.
- Importance: Compiler design (expression parsing).
Advanced DP
- Bitmask DP
- What: Represents subsets as bits (e.g., Traveling Salesman Problem).
- Importance: Combinatorial optimization.
4. Number Theory & Cryptography
Essential Algorithms
- Euclidean Algorithm
- What: Computes GCD/LCM.
- Importance: Cryptography (RSA), simplifying fractions.
- Modular Exponentiation
- What: Computes (a^b \mod m) efficiently.
- Importance: Public-key encryption (RSA).
- RSA Algorithm
- What: Public-key encryption using prime factorization.
- Importance: Secure data transmission (HTTPS, SSH).
5. Computational Geometry
- Convex Hull
- What: Jarvis’s March (greedy) or Graham’s Scan.
- Importance: Collision detection (games), robotics.
- Closest Pair of Points
- What: Divide-and-conquer approach.
- Importance: GIS, pattern recognition.
6. Memory Management
Key Concepts
- Garbage Collection
- What: Automatic memory reclamation (e.g., Mark-and-Sweep).
- Importance: Java, Python memory management.
- Smart Pointers
- What:
(C++). - Importance: Preventing memory leaks in systems programming.
- What:
7. Machine Learning & Optimization
Core Algorithms
- k-Means Clustering
- What: Unsupervised learning for grouping data.
- Importance: Customer segmentation, image compression.
- Gradient Descent
- What: Optimizes loss functions iteratively.
- Importance: Training neural networks.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Algorithm | Field | Application |
A* | Robotics/AI | Pathfinding for autonomous drones. |
Suffix Arrays | Bioinformatics | Genome sequence alignment (BLAST). |
Ford-Fulkerson | Operations Research | Maximizing flow in transportation networks. |
Bloom Filter | Distributed Systems | Efficient cache lookup (e.g., databases). |
Why Master These?
- Interviews: Top companies test these (e.g., FAANG).
- Research: Basis for cutting-edge topics (e.g., quantum algorithms).
- Real-World Impact: Used in systems like Google Maps (Dijkstra), Git (diff tools), and HTTPS (RSA).
Next Steps
- Implement: Code 1-2 algorithms from each category.
- Visualize: Use tools like VisuAlgo to see how they work.
- Apply: Solve problems on LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codeforces.